You'll find me beneath the moon & stars

A Walk With Death

Browsing Archive: August, 2013

The Sun & the Moon

Posted by BoogyVamp on Friday, August 16, 2013,
There was a lonely sun & a lonely moon that danced the earth on Mother Nature's time. When the sun rested, the moon danced the earth & when the moon rested the sun would rise to dance. As they danced alone to nature's song, they felt so very alone. Until one night when the moon danced too long & the sun started to rise.
As the moon continued to dance, the sun watched as his rays made her glow. And it was then that the sun fell in luv with the moon. He smiled his bright rays & began to...

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Posted by BoogyVamp on Friday, August 16, 2013,
   It's a dreary mid October as the clouds rumbled across the sky. The wind blew at the colorful leaves from the baring trees dropping them down onto the neighborhood sidewalk. School buses stopped at every street corner letting kids off. One bus stopped at the front of an old gray house. The wood had cracks all over and the windows were full of dust as if never been cleaned. Dead trees surrounded the house along with vines that climbed to the roof. Black steel pointed gates enclosed t...
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